Online Hours

Hours displayed in:
Atlantic Time (Canada)

Why Vantage

  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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Not your average CO-OP

Vantage Canada has an entirely different, unique summer job opportunity. We hire students from Canadian Universities, train them extensively and then employ them to work and live across Ontario for the summer. We provide fully furnished apartments/housing (rent-free) and give students the opportunity to earn a higher-than-average summer income (our 2021 average earnings per student was $17500 over the course of the three-month summer). Students work in a sales role marketing residential services for Insight Pest Solutions. Students canvas pre-assigned subdivisions performing sales presentations to homeowners and are compensated based on the number of sales made as opposed to hours worked.

We're looking for highly motivated individuals

We are looking for highly accomplished and extremely motivated individuals that want to maximize their earnings, travel, and gain valuable business skills. Vantage Canada recruits overachievers from campuses across the country. This position will connect you with like-minded, ambitious students and create an entirely new network of friends and business colleagues. 

Build a robust toolbox of real-world skills

Our sales reps come back to school with a new set of business and interpersonal skills that cannot be taught in a classroom. In this job, you will be performing thousands of sales presentations to a very diverse group of people across major cities in Ontario. Our reps come back in the fall with a new level of confidence and the ability to communicate with people of all ages and backgrounds. Nervous about doing presentations in class? You won't be after a summer with Vantage!